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CAREER Project

& PhDetectives



Career Project: Skills to strengthen Reciprocal Attractiveness between doctors and companies

by Adoc Talent Management

The CAREER project (Skills to strengthen Reciprocal Attractiveness between PhDs and companies) has made it possible to highlight the match between the skills developed by PhDs and the skills expected by companies. Carried out between September 2010 and January 2012, it involved more than 30 partners (associations, institutions, companies) and 4,500 participants around two questions:

→  What are the skills of PhDs?

→  Do these skills meet the needs of the job market?

This project has been the subject of various studies (qualitative and quantitative) specified below and available for download:

Skills and employability of N#1 PhDs: Results of the quantitative survey conducted among 4,500 PhD holders and recruiters carried out as part of the CAREER project on the match between the skills developed in the doctoral program and the needs of the job market.

Skills and employability of N#2 doctors: Results of the focus groups carried out within the framework of the CAREER project on the adequacy between the skills of PhDs and the needs of the job market.

Skills and employability of doctors N#3: Results of the semi-directive interviews carried out within the framework of the CAREER project on the adequacy between the skills of PhDs and the needs of the job market.

Also find the job descriptions as well as  that the skill tree  from the CAREER project.



PhDetectives: A major study on PhD holders and candidates in Canada

by Adoc Talent Management, in collaboration with Mitacs, the Association Canadienne des Stagiaires Postdoctoraux (ACSP) & Finance Montréal

PhDetectives is the most extensive study ever carried out on the career paths and skills of Canadian PhDs. It was led by PhD career specialists Adoc Talent Management in collaboration with Mitacs, l’Association Canadienne des Stagiaires Postdoctoraux (ACSP)  et Finance Montréal.


The PhDetectives survey was realized to better understand the skills and professional careers of PhDs in Canada. This study was aimed at doctoral graduates as well as PhD candidates. PhDetectives also includes a complementary survey which was conducted with employers to define and assess PhDs’ competencies, and to ensure their adequacy in the job market. The objective of this study is to increase the recognition of the doctorate by building accurate indicators about the career path of PhDs and demonstrating the diversity and richness of PhD skills. Further, results from this survey will serve to inform current students about their skills and career opportunities.

To read the full report:   in french    in english 

To discover the highlights of the project:  in french    in english

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