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Career Management
Career management: to support the construction or redefinition of the professional project, the identification of skills, the mastery of job search tools and the market, the optimization of one's application and the realization of a creation project of business.

Career Management
Career management: to support the construction or redefinition of the professional project, the identification of skills, the mastery of job search tools and the market, the optimization of one's application and the realization of a creation project of business.

PhDEXP Project
The PhDEXP project is a collaborative research project between our Laboratory of Interdisciplinary studies on the Doctorate (LID) and a public laboratory, IREDU at the Université de Bourgogne.
We aim to solve a two-fold problem:
on the one hand, doctoral candidates have difficulty identifying and valorizing their skills,
on the other, these difficulties impact on their professional aspirations, career choices and job satisfaction.
To study these issues, this project has two main objectives:
Study changes in career aspirations and perception of skills during the doctorate,
Analyze the contribution of the doctoral experience to the career paths of doctoral graduates, in terms of career aspirations, career paths and satisfaction.
To achieve its objectives, the PhDEXP project adopts an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on cognitive science, social psychology, sociology and educational science.
The project is structured around two main axes:
Axis 1: Longitudinal follow-up of a cohort of doctoral candidates during the first three years of their doctorate
Since 2024, we have been following a large cohort of doctoral candidates in various French universities, from their first to their third year of doctoral studies. The aim is to track changes in their perceived skills and career aspirations, and to identify the determinants of these changes. We are also measuring the impact of specific tools on these career paths, such as training courses or mentoring programs, and analyzing their contribution.
Axis 2: Follow-up of PhD graduates in their first post-doctoral years
We measure and analyze the professional transitions and experiences of PhD graduates in a variety of sectors. The aim is to measure the contribution of the doctoral experience to their career path, and to identify the difficulties they face. We use a methodology that combines questionnaires, in-depth interviews and experimental studies to measure the effectiveness of specific tools.
Deliverables & Communication
The PhDEXP project aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of doctoral training. As part of an open science approach, we will widely disseminate the results and conclusions to help improve the system.
Preliminary studies have already been the subject of scientific papers and conference presentations:
PhD graduates’ appraisals of work demands: challenging, hindering, and not very threatening​
Bran, A., Lopes, N., & Lafon, M.
Studies in Higher Education, 49(3), 559–575 (2023)​
PhDEXP project presentation at the 90th ACFAS conference (2023) - by Alexandre BRAN, PhD (Adoc Talent Management / LID)
If you have any questions about this research project or would like to receive the results, please contact us at the following e-mail addresses :​​

The PhDEXP project is funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) to the tune of €337,564 over a 4-year period starting in October 2022.